Week 14 - "Your Letters" is An Absolute Gem
Your Letter by Hyeon A Cho is about a transfer student who finds letters in her desk. The person who wrote the letter provided a series of clues of his whereabouts. So, Sori teams up with a friend, who seems to have had a connection with the owner of the letter, to find out who this person is. This story is a quiet one, but there is never a dull moment. Nothing supernatural happens, although there’s a witch with a magical garden. It’s very Ghibli-esque. The character’s emotions are pure, and their emotions are in sync with the nature of their environment. My own feelings start to feel like a supernatural aspect of me. Sori has such a strong moral code that she doesn’t change very much throughout the entire comic but inspires courage to those around her. Sori stands up for a girl getting bullied, only to become a victim herself. But that doesn’t stop her from protecting another friend, Eugene, who was also a victim of bullying. Not only are the artistic choices visually app...