Week 6 - Underground Comics
I skimmed Gay Comix with no intention of reading it, even holding my breath just in case I saw something beyond indecent, but I’m glad I was wrong. In fact, I really enjoyed Lee Marrs’s work and found her issue really heartwarming. The main character was just anxious, self-conscious, and really relatable. The push and pull of having a crush can be exciting for a teenager, but frightening for an adult. At least for me, the thought of an adult awkwardly hiding feelings from another seems a bit juvenile, but I wonder if part of the main character’s shame stems from the same sentiment. Nonetheless, she was charming, and I wanted nothing but for her to live her best life. There have always been stories about morally ambiguous and really lonely people, but these stories feel autobiographical. The stories are very real and unfiltered. Each story explores hook-up culture through a different lens. The story about the two black men, where one accuses the other of having a preference for white ...